Kitty Holland x Everly (Creating Our Eternal Vessel)

Kitty Holland is a Toronto-based multi-disciplinary artist. She is the brain and heart behind our Eternal Vessel, meant to be refilled time after time with our Everly Candle Refill Kits.
In her own words, Kitty describes herself as:
"I love all the weird little things that come together to create something you will remember, so I'm always trying to throw myself into situations that support the people and places I feel deserve to be celebrated. The intimate, the lively, the powerful, and the silly; I love people who aren't afraid to feel something. I want to be there with you, carving out something that means something to you.
When we can connect on an idea we are all excited about- great things happen. I have slowly been building some things I thought might make you feel good. Because the world needs more comfort. More round shapes, subtle bends, and soft landings.
You can find me behind a camera in a pool of light somewhere, covered in clay. Likely surrounded by cats and cake and blasting the Mary Poppins soundtrack. I hope you like what I've made for you. Keep it light."
The way Kitty and I met is so sweet to me. I had just left my full-time job to pursue this crazy idea of making candles full-time. I rented a little (veeeery little) studio/artist space close to Dupont and Ossington so that I had a dedicated workplace to spill wax all over the floor because... my kitchen floor had had enough.
Each time I walked up the stairs to my little space, I would pass by Kitty's amazing ceramic studio and think, "what a cool space-- I bet a SUPER cool person works in there." <- Literally, my thoughts. I mean, look how cool she actually is:

I had always been in love with the idea of collaborating with a ceramic artist to make these beautiful one-of-a-kind candles.
Creating a vessel you would want to keep after finishing your candle, clean, and reuse time after time because... it's a work of art.
My idea for Everly wasn't clear at the time, so I neglected to reach out to Kitty. I didn't even know her name, her Instagram, what she looked like, or anything about her.
A couple of months later, Kitty started following me on Instagram. I had no idea she was the owner of the studio. I jumped with excitement that a local ceramic artist had followed Everly on Instagram, and I instantly DM'ed her for a collaboration.
The Universe has a weird way of conspiring because... that was precisely the reason why she had followed me. She had heard that there was a candlemaker in the studio next door and was looking for someone to collaborate to make some limited-edition candles with her beautiful hand-crafted vessels.
Anywho. Here we are today. Launching Everly together-- a dream turned into a reality only made possible by being surrounded by the most amazing people such as Kitty.
Katherine has been an absolute JOY to work with. If you're ever blessed to meet her in real life, you'll see how she lights up a room wherever she goes.
I'm excited to see where this collaboration goes and to continue growing together.
Kitty, thanks for being open to my weird idea. You're right, "when we can connect on an idea we are all excited about- great things happen."

Make sure to check out Kitty's amazing work on her site and socials:
Photography: @thekittyholland
Ceramics: @katherinehollandstudios